Diapering 101 - How To Fold And Use Cloth Diapers Let's skip right past the great diaper debate and assume that you've read what there is to read, done your soul-searching, and made your decision - and for your baby, it's nothing but natural against that tender skin. Whether your decision is ecological, ...
Face Masks Face masks make the difference between good and great skin. They are good for giving your skin a good flush out. Masks can help to clear congested skin or give dry skin a moisture boost. Clay masks with stimulating ingredients such as rosemary and ...
Great Family Camping Trips Make Excellent Traditions A wonderful way to invest in your families treasure trove of memories is by spending time in the great outdoors. Camping trips can be an excellent tradition that your family will look forward to and in time, look back upon with fond memories. Whether ...
Mom, Dad, play with your child.
Take out some paints, some paper and help your child discover colors. Mix colors as you name them. Paint shapes, paint animals with the shapes.
Take your child to the park. Talk about what you see. Show them boats in the bay or on the river, lake or creek. Go feed the ducks.
Go visit a farm and introduce your child to the cows, pigs, horses,kitties...whatever. Buy some farm produce and go home and make a salad or cook some veggies.
Bake with your child. Talk about measurement… 1 cup of this or that, ½ cup of that… 1 tbsp. of brown sugar, 1 tsp. of vanilla. Make something with cloth. Measure it first…perhaps a little pocket purse or pouch. Talk about which is heavier…a pencil or a toothpick, which is more…a drop of water or a cup of water.
Take them to the zoo and come home and make a book of all the animals you saw together. Find pics of them on the net and print to place in his/her book. http://www.cpinternet.com/~sarah/rdr012.html
Make letter cards…practice them with your child. Practice the sounds as well as the names of the letters. Make number cards and do the same.
Have library day…go to the library and pick a book to read with your child. Go to a second hand bookstore and buy some books for your child. Read the books over and over again. Ask questions about the story. Have your child retell the story. Have your child draw the story.
Buy some play money. Talk about pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters. A penny is 1 cent, a nickel is 5 cents (etc.) Ask how many pennies are in a nickel. How many in a dime? How many coins make 12 cents, 13 cents (etc.)?
Review shapes with your child …have a shape of the week, number/letter of the day, color of the day, shape of the day.
Get a children's magazine and read the stories, do the activities with your child. Help your child direct a play with neighborhood friends. http://www.parentinginformation.org/booksboxes.htm
Hug your child, pray with your child at night, go on walks in the woods with your child. Go to the pool with your child. Love them and take time for them. They grow up quickly. My youngest is going into 10th grade!
Get Your Child Ready for School, From U.S. Dept. of Education: http://readyweb.crc.uiuc.edu/library/1992/getready/getready.html
About the Author Caroline Shaw holds a B.S. degree from Duquesne University in Secondary Education, English. She is mom to six children,editor and publisher of the Online Magazine,"AMomsLove.com" Each issue contains informative articles for WAHMs,single moms, working moms, and more. She lives with her husband, three "still at home" children, a collie and three kitties in Western Pennsylvania. Her hobbies are writing, cooking, gardening, decorating and crafts.